12 februari International exhibition Agro Spring Ukraine
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- Kyiv, Ukraine
The event combines 3 exhibitions in Kyiv, Ukraine : animal farming, grain and fresh produce
https://animal-show.kiev.ua/en/ aimed at promotion of modern technologies in the sphere of animal husbandry and poultry and is a unique information, trade platform, a meeting place for industry professionals.
https://freshexpo.kiev.ua/en/ dedicated to modern agrarian technologies in vegetable growing, industrial gardening and viticulture, as well as the presentation of technological and investment potential of fruit and vegetable growing sector.
https://www.grainexpo.com.ua/ - aimed at promotion of innovative solutions at different stages of manufacture, storage, processing and transporting of grain, legume, cereal and oilseed crops.
Follow the Facebook page of the event for more information and conference program