28 juni Pre-summer meetup of the Agriculture & Food Security Platform

Let op: deze activiteit heeft al plaatsgevonden


  • Datum
  • Tijd -
  • Locatie Den Haag, Nederland

For partners in Ukraine, there will be an option to attend the plenary part of the meeting online.

The platform was initiated to support and find synergy in Dutch efforts to help Ukraine in the early recovery and reconstruction of agriculture.

Beeld: ©Ukraine Agriculture and Food Security Platform

Special focus of the platform is on possible public private partnership contributions.

With this second platform meeting we aim to:

  • Update, (re) connect, and engage with parties from the public, private, knowledge, and NGO sectors in the broad field of agriculture;
  • Host a panel on financial instruments available;
  • Facilitate formation, acceleration, and clustering of initiatives - in subgroups.

We invite you to come forward with ideas and to actively participate in producing actions to realize these ideas.

Detailed program will follow.

In-person participation of this meeting is advised and strongly encouraged for those interested to join our upcoming activities in 2023.

Please register: Registration link.