Sargassum in Mexico: From environmental problem to valuable resource

This study was carried out by Wageningen Food & Biobased Research, subsidised and commissioned by the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality.

This report includes a compilation of data on sargassum origin, composition, policies, management, and uses from a variety of resources, with a focus on the Mexican situation. We have consulted scientific literature, (governmental) public reports, internet resources; and discussed with parties involved in sargassum research or use, in order to formulate strategies for building new value chains for valorization of sargassum biomass. Besides the fundamental research by Universities or Research Centers on many sargassum-related topics, such as biology, biorefinery or applications, in Mexico, several commercial activities relate to sargassum harvesting, valorization and innovations. Most of these activities are being developed by small companies and entrepreneurs, and they are still not implemented on a larger scale. At universities and research centers there are activities on innovations and on fundamental research around sargassum.