Medical Cannabis - Bast crops - Hemp and Flax

legalizing medical cannabis in Ukraine
legalizing medical cannabis in Ukraine
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Проект Закону про регулювання обігу рослин роду коноплі (Cannabis) в медичних, промислових цілях, науковій та науково-технічній діяльності для створення умов щодо розширення доступу пацієнтів до необхідного лікування онкологічних захворювань та посттравматичних стресових розладів, отриманих внаслідок війни  Офіційний портал Верховної Ради України (

2023.12 - Visit Ukraine - Verkhovna Rada legalizes medical cannabis: when will the medicine become available to Ukrainians?

Visit Ukraine - The government has supported the legalization of medical cannabis: why it matters

2023.12 - «Від насінини – до пацієнта»: як вирощуватимуть рослини роду коноплі в Україні та як ліки на їхній основі отримуватимуть люди? :Держлікслужба (

Medical legalisation

On 7 July 2023, The Ministry of Health of Ukraine supported the legalisation of cannabis-based medicines, which was advocated by Zelenskyy and deputy head of the department, chief state sanitary doctor Ihor Kuzin.

On 13 July 2023, the Verkhovna Rada voted on a bill to legalize medical cannabis in the first reading, with 268 votes in favor.

On 21 December 2023, the Parliament adopted the bill on medical cannabis #7457 in the second reading.

Growing industrial hemp in Ukraine | DLF attorneys-at-law

1. General conditions for growing hemp

2. Obtaining a licence for growing hemp

3. Licensing regulations for hemp cultivation

Read the guide on legislation and licenzing UKR Online-гід | Інститут луб'яних культур (

Sector events


KYIV. Jan 31 (Interfax-Ukraine) – The Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine is developing regulatory documents for creating a register of producers of industrial hemp and taking samples for the content of narcotic substances, First Deputy Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine Taras Vysotsky said.

The relevant orders are contained in Law No. 7457 on the regulation of the circulation of plants of the hemp genus (Cannabis) for medical, industrial purposes, scientific and scientific-technical activities, which is currently being signed by the President of Ukraine.

"The Ministry of Agrarian Policy will create an electronic register where information about producers of industrial hemp will be entered. To make it clear who grows, how many and what seeds they use. There will be no need to obtain licenses, quotas or permits for cultivation. A government resolution is also being prepared on regulations for the sampling of hemp in flowering period," the press service of the Ministry of Agrarian Policy quoted the deputy minister's speech at the conference.

According to him, the law on the circulation of industrial hemp is an impetus for realizing the enormous potential of growing this plant in Ukraine. The document changes approaches to control over the cultivation of industrial hemp.

Vysotsky added that the draft order would soon be made public for public discussion.

The discussion of the law was organized by the Institute of Bast Crops of the National Academy of Sciences and the Ukrainian Industrial Hemp Association. The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, the National Police and leading hemp producers and processors in Ukraine.

2023.12 - За пів кроку до легалізації медичного канабісу (

2023.08 - "Легалізація" технічних конопель. Чи зможе Україна стати великим виробником та експортером цієї культури —