Nigerian Livestock Transformation Impact Cluster
Nigeria’s population is expected to double by 2050 to almost 400 million and the number of people living in urban areas will triple from the current 94 million to 280 million people. GDP per capita will almost triple up to around 7 137 USD PPP. As a result of these changes, the demand for livestock products will rise exponentially (FAO GPS, 2018).
Livestock in Nigeria
The livestock sector in Nigeria is deeply connected to food security and the livelihood of households with about 13 million Nigerian households owning livestock. This accounts for 42% of the Nigerian population and the livestock industry accounts for about 9% of the Nigerian agricultural GDP. These statistics point to the clear fact that livestock sector still holds strong potential to influence food security outcomes in Nigeria.
More recently Nigeria has been going through, farmers herders clashers and conflict crisis, an issue mostly blamed on climate change and migration, with little consideration to population growth, economic pressures and cultural misunderstanding. This renewed view of the crisis and conflict that has inspired the Nigerian government to develop a National Livestock Transformation Plan (NLTP).

Dutch Positioning in National Livestock Transformation Plan
The National Livestock Transformation Plan, (NLTP) is built on six key pillars. These include economic investment, conflict resolution, law and order, humanitarian relief, information education and strategic communication as well as cross-cutting issues. According to the plan, the economic investment pillar would support and strengthen the development of market-driven ranches in ten pilot states for improved livestock productivity through breed (genetic) improvement and pasture production, in addition to efficient land and water productivity.
The NLTP provides a framework and strategic direction to transform the Nigerian livestock sector and eliminate farmer-herder conflict by evolving and strengthening a more integrated and sedentary livestock production system aimed at making the sector more productive and sustainable.
Cownexxion B.V was involved by Federal government of Nigeria to start the development of the National livestock transformation plan, which it delivered on, and now plans to support the country in the implementation of these plans though focused pilot programmes in about 4 states. Following the Dutch government commitment to support Nigeria in diversifying its economy to agriculture, the Netherland Enterprise Agency (RVO) is supporting the NLTP implementation through the impact cluster programme from the RVO PSD apps.
Impact Cluster Interventions Test New Paradigm
The NLTP impact clusters programme which was approved by RVO in December 2020, involves Dutch and Nigerian partners like, Cownexxion, Aries Group, Agriterra, Dairy Delta Academy, Scherjon Dairy Equipment, Berebrug South Africa, Dutch Sustainable Energy Group and Queens B.V. Nassarawa State is the consortium starting point to introduce the pilot implementation of NLTP. These developments are sequel to the other dairy development projects being implemented by FDOV instruments in Nigeria, and strongly involves the Nassarawa state government and knowledge institutions as well as the PACE team implementing the NLTP nationally.

This intervention is targeted at both the Dairy and the cattle meat sector. It’s core activity will involve setting up pilot farms that will support farmers and extension workers with the right training. This program will develop and drive an active training of the trainer project that will capacitate the industry and the target group with the knowledge required to improve productivity and change behavior. There will be special focus on feed production and livestock management. The results of these project will feed into the Nigerian government NLTP intervention programme and other development partners with interest in similar focus areas. It will also support increase accessibility to cattle meat and milk products more sustainably.
You can reach out to The Netherlands Embassy’s Agricultural Team, West Africa for further information.
Tel: +234 14601404