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  1. Hungary's food prices rose further in 2023

    Meat processing faces issues; pumpkin had a good year; the dairy industry continues to struggle; the latest industry figures; and ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 03-11-2023 | 12:29

  2. Bite-sized, het wekelijkse nieuwsoverzicht uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk (week 44)

    De laatste agri-food nieuwsberichten uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk in een behapbaar formaat, week 44, 2023. Opgesteld door het ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-11-2023 | 15:28

  3. Bangkok is ready for Thai – Dutch Space Technology Forum 2023

    “The Netherlands – Thailand Space Technology Forum 2023; Space Technology for Resilient Agriculture and Food System” is now open ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-11-2023 | 14:31

  4. Fostering resilient agricultural systems and environmental stewardship in Ghana

    Foster resilient agricultural systems and environmental stewardship in Ghana with nature-inclusive farming, replicating the ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-11-2023 | 08:30

  5. Romania Indagra fair: the right place to be. And we were there!

    The Indagra international agri-food fair has just closed its doors in Romania’s capital city, Bucharest. Indagra is undoubtedly ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 01-11-2023 | 08:44

  6. NL paviljoen op de Robotica beurs World Fira in Toulouse

    NL paviljoen op de Robotica beurs World Fira in Toulouse Bent u actief in de AgTech Robotica sector ? Wilt u meer weten over de ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 31-10-2023 | 17:51

  7. Circular week in Poland

    The last week of October saw Circular week in Warsaw, a series of events dedicated to the circular economy, with the Embassy of ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 31-10-2023 | 10:16

  8. Chile is looking for balance between nature and productive sectors

    Discover Chile's pioneering nature-inclusive agriculture revolution, championed by individuals like Tomás Rivas Fuenzalida. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 31-10-2023 | 08:30

  9. Franse minister van Landbouw neemt Italië als lichtend voorbeeld

    Franse minister van landbouw Fesneau deed verrassende uitspraken in een interview dat werd afgenomen na afloop van een ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 30-10-2023 | 14:54

  10. Saudi Agriculture: exhibition’s 40th anniversary with the Netherlands as guest country of the year

    Saudi Agriculture is the biggest agricultural & food exhibition in the Gulf and celebrated its 40th anniversary during this ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 30-10-2023 | 14:52