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  1. Innovatiemissie naar India: oplossingen voor voedselverlies en -verspilling

    Werkt u als ondernemer of onderzoeker aan innovatieve oplossingen om voedselverlies en -verspilling tegen te gaan? Wilt u samen ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-05-2024 | 08:30

  2. Fostering a sustainable and future-proof feed value chain in Kenya

    On March 21st, 2024, key players in the Kenyan animal feed industry convened in Nairobi for a groundbreaking roundtable ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 15-05-2024 | 00:00

  3. NL Alumni in Thailand Share Dutch Expertise at Fruit Innovation Fair 2024 in Chanthaburi

    Chanthaburi Province is one of the key tropical fruit production areas of Thailand. The recent “Fruit Innovation Fair 2024” or ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-05-2024 | 19:00

  4. Entering the Soft Fruit market in Türkiye: Holland House of Fruits

    In 2023 a Dutch soft fruit business consortium together the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) and Netherlands Embassy in ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-05-2024 | 15:19

  5. Mission Sofia and UNICEF organized Youth & Climate consultations

    25 young people presented their views and solutions for a better, greener future ahead of Earth Day. The Embassy of the Kingdom ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-05-2024 | 10:40

  6. Working at the PermRep to the EU: engaging in dialogue

    Carla Boonstra is Agriculture, Nature, and Food Quality (LNV) counselor at the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 14-05-2024 | 09:30

  7. Memorandum of Cooperation between Ukrainian and European dairy producers was signed

    The European Dairy Association (EDA) and the Union of Dairy Enterprises of Ukraine (SMPU) signed a memorandum of understanding. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-05-2024 | 15:23

  8. Thai – Dutch Sustainable Urban Delta Briefing call for a collaboration

    With 60 Thai & international experts from agri-food, socio-economic, urban & city planning on board, a call for collaborative ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-05-2024 | 11:48

  9. Unlocking the potential of biological control in Ethiopian agriculture

    At the end of 2023, the Agriculture Team of the Netherlands Embassy commissioned a comprehensive report on the utilization and ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 13-05-2024 | 11:00

  10. Second newsletter edition 2024 from Kenya

    A very warm welcome to the second embassy newsletter edition of 2024! Our Embassy teams have been busy during the first months ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 09-05-2024 | 11:48