China supports large-scale renewal of agricultural facilities

On March 10, China released new policies to support the renewal of agricultural facilities. These policies now first apply to the plantation sector.

Solar greenhouses under construction, Yangling, China

National Policy

Since 2024, China has introduced subsidies for large-scale renewal of equipment and the trade-in of consumer goods. The aim is to improve efficiency and reduce emissions, and at the same time encouraging consumption and investments. The renewal program covered industrial equipment and household appliances, and will now be expanded to agricultural facilities.

On March 10, Mr. Qiu Tianzhao, Deputy Director of Rural Economics Department at the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), explained that China will encourage the upgrade of the agricultural sector by facilities renewal. Starting with hardware in planting industries, and later expanding to facilities for animal husbandry and fisheries.

What is the focus?

  1. Renovating old solar greenhouses and plastic tunnels, to improve the safety of structures and land-use efficiency.
  2. Renew and add necessary equipment for cultivation, like smart climate control, irrigation systems, indoor logistics etc., to upgrade the level of mechanization, automation and green development.

The Do’s and Don’ts

  • Major vegetable production areas are the main target area
  • Voluntary for business owners
  • Adapt to local resources and circumstances
  • Comply with the land use policies, and prohibit constructions in violations of laws and regulations
  • Policy tools of re-lending for innovation and technical upgrading are available

More information

For more information, you can reach out to the Netherlands Agricultural Network team in China (