Romania: 102 new food processing investments to receive EU funding

The Agency for Rural Investment Financing (AFIR) will grant funding for another 102 processing investment projects totaling €259.3 million, in addition to the 66 projects which got approved in the 2023-2024 call for proposals. The funding is granted on the basis of the Supplementary Selection Report for intervention DR-22 of the CAP National Strategic Programme – dedicated to investments in conditioning, storage and processing of agricultural and fruit products. The report was published on February 14, 2025.

Image filled with euro coins

Previously, AFIR draw up and published a Waiting List of eligible projects without funding from the call session which took place during 2023-2024 related to intervention DR-22, which included all eligible projects without funding prioritized according to the score obtained and the applicable tie-breaking criteria.

Given the particular interest in this sector and the fact that DR-22 contributes to the strategic objective of increasing the added value of primary production by financing raw material processing, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has supplemented the budget of DR-22 by EUR 249,061,176, in accordance with an European Commission Decision which approved the revision of  the Strategic Plan 2023-2027 (version 7.1).

Thus, having at its disposal the funds resulting from the supplementation of the allocated budget, in addition to the funds made available so far from the projects already selected under DR-22 intervention, AFIR has started the procedure for the selection of eligible projects without funding resulting from the 2023 submission session.

420 projects worth €1.1 billion have been submitted

According to AFIR, in the DR-22 session running from December 20, 2023 to February 6, 2024, 420 projects worth €1.1 billion were submitted online, of which only 66 investments were selected for funding with €214 million, within the initial allocation.

After the publication of the Supplementary Selection Report, the 102 additional applicants will be notified by AFIR and the contracting process will start.

The report

Both the initial report as well as the supplementary report for DR-22 selected projects can be accessed on in the Reports section, Selection page (in Romanian).

More information

For more news on agrifood related investments in Romania based on EU-funds, see also article First EU funds for Romania this year: food processing, small farmers and (settled) young farmers.