Friends of Thai agriculture: organizes reduction burning of agri-residues conference in Bangkok
The "Reduction of Air Pollution through Avoidance of Burning in Agriculture Conference" is taken place in Bangkok today (1st October 2024) with over 200 invitees attend the Conference. The conference aims to engage stakeholders from various sectors from Thai government, business & industry sector, farmers, research and scientific communities, and organizations focused on the innovation to reduce the burning of agricultural residues in agri-food value chain for sustainable agricultural ecosystem.

Reduce Burning in Agriculture Is The Benefit To All
During the official opening by Mr. Prayoon Inskul, Permanent-Secretary of Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives (MOAC) Thailand, he underlines the important of reducing the burning of agricultural waste is beneficial not only Thai farmers but also international communities. The Permanent-Secretary of Thai MOAC emphasizes the key policy of Thailand to reduce the burning in agricultural activities by closely working with “Young Smart Farmer” network throughout the Kingdom under 3R strategy. The 3R is meant for Re-Habit, Replace with High Value Crop and Replace with Alternative Crops.
- Re-Habit means farmer needs to change by avoiding all the burning in agricultural activities and using more mechanic for waste management under GAP (Good Agricultural Practices).
- Replace with High Value Crop is referred to famer to transfer from traditional crops to more high economic return plantation especially on highland.
- Replace with Alternative Crops is for lowland and non-irrigated area to grow crops which hardly any burning of the waste after harvesting.

We Are "Friends of Thai Agriculture”
The "Reduction of Air Pollution through Avoidance of Burning in Agriculture Conference" is organized by "Friends of Thai Agriculture (FTA)". The objective of the Conference is to create a platform of experts and policymakers from multi-stakeholders to explore and exchange the innovative and sustainable solutions to the challenges posed by agricultural burning, a practice that significantly contributes to air pollution and has far-reaching environmental and public health impact. Hopefully to create an awareness on reducing agricultural burning to promote sustainable agricultural practices across Thailand and the region.
"Friends of Thai Agriculture (FTA)" is a coalition comprising agricultural counsellors from the embassies such as the Netherlands, France, Brazil, Denmark, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, the EU Delegation and DLG - the German Agricultural Society. The Conference is organized by FTA in cooperation with key international organizations such as GIZ, Winrock International (through USDA's ThaiRAIN Project), German-Thai Agricultural Cooperation (GETHAC) Project, and UNESCAP CSAM.