Screening and panel discussion of documentary 'Trees in my field' in Beijing, China

The agricultural team in China is hosting a screening of the documentary 'Trees in my fields' on September 12 at the Dutch Embassy in Beijing. The team invites you to join the conversation about land, trees, and our future, and to witness the power of agricultural transformation.

Screening event for the documentary 'Trees in my fields'

The land beneath our feet not only provides food and nourishment but also nurtures infinite possibilities. Trees grow alongside crops, and farmers live in harmony with nature. The heartwarming documentary 'Trees in my fields' will guide us through a fascinating story of agricultural transformation.

About the film 

'Trees in my fields' (original title: Bomen op mijn land) is a documentary directed by Dutch filmmaker Joris van der Kamp. The film focuses on how farmers in Belgium and France are transforming agriculture through agroforestry systems. It showcases the tremendous potential of this system to enhance biodiversity, improve food security, and elevate the quality of life.

Three farms, three hopes 

Director Joris van der Kamp vividly captures the lives and work of three European farmers throughout the seasons. From a multifunctional farm, to a cattle and dairy farm, and finally to a food forest, these farmers are integrating trees with agriculture. This approach not only boosts biodiversity and sustainable farming but also enriches the lives of the farmers themselves.

This film is more than just an exploration of agricultural transformation; it is a beautiful vision of humanity living in harmony with nature. Through agroforestry, these farmers have discovered sustainable methods that allow them to grow alongside the land, rediscovering the joy of working with nature.

Screening information 

📅 Date: Thursday, September 12, 2024 

⏰ Time: 18:30 – 21:30 

📍 Venue: Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, No. 4 Liangmahe Nanlu, Chaoyang District, Beijing 

📝 Registration: Please register by emailing before September 9, including your full name as it appears on your ID or passport. You will receive a confirmation email by September 10 if your registration is successful. Due to limited seating, only those who receive a confirmation email will be admitted.

We warmly invite you to join this conversation about land, trees, and our future, and to witness the power of agricultural transformation!