Hortifuturo: towards a more sustainable, inclusive and competitive horticulture sector in Colombia

The Netherlands has a collaborative program called HortiFuturo in Colombia that aims to develop Colombian horticulture towards a more sustainable, inclusive and competitive sector, with the support of the expertise of the Netherlands.

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Training of trainers for a better tomorrow in horticulture

One of the main outcomes of this collaborative project is the training of trainers at SENA, Colombia's largest educational institution, as well as the development of curricula for its students. In this way, the next generation is trained, as knowledge transfer and exchange are important pillars of HortiFuturo.

The transfer of know-how and capacity building throughout Colombia, as well as the development of value chains in the Colombian fruit and vegetable sector, contribute to improving the quality of life of communities, increasing opportunities for food security, strengthening formal economies and creating jobs.

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A week full of experiences and learning

Instructors from all over Colombia gathered near Bogota for a week’s training at Saenz Fety. This was possible thanks to RVO and other partners in the program.

One of them is the company Saenz Fety, They are an important partner for a number of Dutch companies related to horticulture, livestock and other agricultural businesses they represent.

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In their demonstration facilities near Bogota, they show producers, students and instructors of SENA the improvements that applying technologies from the Netherlands can provide.

Step-by-step they are able to show productions from low-tech to high-tech, and what these can offer for the horticultural sector in Colombia.


The LNV team of the Bogota office was present, together with our colleague Wolt Bodewes of RVO, at the opening of the course for instructors at the premises of Saenz Fety.

We were very happy to see the progress, and hearing the positive feedback after the training from the SENA colleagues. We wish them, and of course, all the students who, as a new generation in Colombia, can help the further development of the horticultural sector in the country!

For more information please contact bog-lnv@minbuza.nl