The Netherlands pavilion at the SIAM 2024

The 16th International Agricultural Exhibition (SIAM) was held in Meknes from April 22 to 28 under the theme "Climate and Agriculture: towards sustainable and resilient production systems".

According to the Moroccan Ministry of Agriculture, the 2024 edition attracted 1 million visitors and more than 1,400 exhibitors from 70 countries. SIAM also welcomed 45 foreign delegations led by 25 ministers.  

The Netherlands was present as the international pole with an impressive institutional pavilion of 320 m2 organized by the Dutch Embassy in Rabat and RVO (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland) and that hosted a large Dutch delegation including a trade mission of 15 Dutch agribusiness companies, as well as several business representatives who attended the exhibition as visitors.

The exhibitors in the Dutch pavilion represented various activities of the agricultural sector : horticultural production, equipment and machinery, seeds, dairy products, water management, biological control, digitization, consultancy, etc.

In line with the theme of agriculture resilience to climate change, the participating Dutch companies exhibited innovative solutions that contribute to the transition towards sustainable and climate-smart agriculture.

Netherlands pavilion at the SIAM 2024
Beeld: ©yes

During the SIAM week, the pavilion housed several B2B meetings and discussions with Moroccan partners. It also hosted conferences to present the activities implemented in Morocco by the Embassy's Agricultural Office and other partners such as Invest International, Orange Corners and PUM.

The Agricultural Office of the Dutch Embassy and RVO highlighted, among other things, the new Combi-Track approach for Morocco, which focuses on the water-agriculture-energy Nexus and aims to improve the sustainability of the horticultural sector in Morocco. The presentation of the Combi-Track to the Moroccan partners provided an overview of the Netherlands approach to addressing current challenges facing agriculture, such as water stress and rainfall deficits, by strengthening a sustainable partnership between private sector actors, public organizations and research institutions in both countries.

Beeld: ©Yes

In addition to its professional aspect, SIAM was also an event open to the general public, which visited the exhibition in large number that has passed the 1 million visitors mark, demonstrating the growing interest of the Moroccan public in agriculture-related activities.

This has provided a unique opportunity for the representatives of the Dutch agricultural sector to interact with the Moroccan public and to present the progress made by the Netherlands in improving the performance and the sustainability of its food system.

Cheese and stroopwafles tasting were among the main attractions of the Orange Pavilion during Public Diplomacy events organized by the Embassy to introduce SIAM visitors to famous Dutch agri-food specialties. Another activity was organized jointly by the Embassy and companies to showcase environmentally friendly innovations, such as the use of insects and beneficial organisms as an alternative to pesticides for biological control of plant pests and diseases or the use of genetic engineering to produce high-performance seeds.

NL participants at the SIAM
Beeld: ©YES

All in all, SIAM was an excellent opportunity to connect with the Moroccan agricultural sector and to promote the exchange of knowledge, technologies and best practices in order to adapt to current and future environmental and economic requirements, as well as to continue the expansion of bilateral cooperation between actors in the agricultural sectors in Morocco and the Netherlands.