Alternative feed Ingredients for animal feed: a study of the Dutch landscape and international opportunities

Last week, a festive event was organised to present international opportunities for the players active in the field of alternative proteins for animal feed.

Beeld: ©Larive

Study by Larive

The Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the TopSector Agri & Food commissioned a study to explore the Dutch landscape of parties active in the field of alternative proteins for animal feed, their international ambitions and the challenges faced when entering and expanding internationally. The study was conducted by Larive International, a leading international business development firm in the agri-food sector.

Dutch ecosystem

The study provides a comprehensive overview of the Dutch players active in the field of alternative feed ingredients, including their product-service offerings, locations, partnerships/alliances, current international activities and positioning, as well as their international ambitions and perceived bottlenecks to accelerate international growth. Additionally, the study features a SWOT analysis of the Dutch ecosystem, including an overview of the most attractive markets/regions for international growth in terms of trade, innovation, and investment.

Key segments

The study identifies six key segments: safety and regulations, solution providers, ingredient producers, feed producers and distributors, sector organisations, and innovation hubs. The study maps out each segment's main actors, roles, functions, and interrelationships. The study also analyses the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of the Dutch ecosystem as a whole and each segment.

Diverse portfolio

The study reveals that the Netherlands has a strong and diverse portfolio of alternative feed ingredients, ranging from novel sources such as insects, algae, duckweed and single-cell proteins to upgraded raw materials such as rapeseed meal and co-products such as brewers’ grains. The study also highlights that the Netherlands has a highly developed and competitive agri-food sector, with a strong focus on innovation, collaboration, and internationalisation. These factors give the Netherlands a competitive edge in the global protein shift.


However, the study also points out some challenges hindering the international growth of the Dutch players. These include regulatory uncertainties and differences across markets, lack of consumer awareness and acceptance of alternative feed ingredients, high production costs and scalability issues, limited access to finance and markets, and international competition.

Future actions

The study concludes by providing recommendations for future actions to support internationalisation. These include enhancing market intelligence and promotion activities, facilitating market access and trade agreements, stimulating innovation and R&D collaborations, providing financial incentives and support schemes, and strengthening sector coordination and advocacy.

The study serves as a source of information and guidance for the Netherlands Enterprise Agency and the TopSector Agri & Food, as well as for other stakeholders involved in the field of alternative feed ingredients for animal feed. The study also offers an opportunity for interested parties to connect with potential partners or customers in this field.


If you would like to learn more about the study or access the full report, please contact Laura Derks at or or visit our website We look forward to hearing from you!

Beeld: ©Larive