Do you want to connect your agri-food business in the ASEAN-5 region (Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam)?
The Dutch Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality joined forces to support your business!
The regional collaboration to support Dutch companies who are interested in doing business in Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam has been established as ASEAN-5. It is a strategic collaboration between various ministries on a multi-year basis with focus on different specific sectors in which Agri-food is one of the priority sectors.
The ASEAN-5 region stands out as a potential market in Asia with over 500 million consumers. It's a great opportunity for Dutch companies. They can benefit from the region's development, trade, and investment. Moreover, the region's strategic location serves as a gateway to other emerging markets in Asia, allowing Dutch businesses to tap into a wider network of opportunities. With our ASEAN-5 agrifood approach, we aim to boost the position of the Dutch agrifood sector in the region. We highlight Dutch solutions as the key to achieving sustainable results in agriculture, climate, and nature. It's an exciting chance for Dutch businesses to thrive and succeed in ASEAN-5.
The Dutch embassy in Bangkok is in the lead for the ASEAN-5 agrifood support. Since December 2022 a specific agricultural advisor for ASEAN-5 (Ms. Nics Phataisit) is responsible for the facilitation and coordination. She has regular contacts with all stakeholders among which the responsible agri-people at the Dutch embassies in the region.

VIV Asia 2023 NL Excursion Day with ASEAN-5 info session
To give you an example of what we do as ASEAN-5, on March 7th, the agricultural network Bangkok together with the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce (NTCC) have organized “VIV Asia 2023 NL Excursion Day” for Dutch companies and associations. The delegations went to Betagro, one of Thailand’s leading integrated food companies, for a company visit with a fruitful discussion regarding sustainable production in food, feed, and livestock production.

Later on, we continued with a short introduction and general information session on ASEAN-5 by Dr. Gijs Theunissen, Agricultural Counsellor to Thailand and Ms. Nics Phataisit.

The Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce

For more information on NTCC, please visit: the Netherlands-Thai Chamber of Commerce (
By working together as a region, we want to help companies to enter the ASEAN-5 market. By introducing Dutch innovations and solutions we believe that the Netherlands can have a positive impact on the improvement of the sustainability of the agrifood production in the ASEAN-5 countries.
For more information related to ASEAN-5, please contact:
Nics Phataisit
Agricultural Advisor ASEAN-5, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Bangkok
M: +6685 151 2346 E: