KISTOCK 2022: Korea International Livestock Expo
Netherlands Pavilion at the Korea International Livestock Expo (KISTOCK) will be organized by the Agriculture team of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Seoul. The expo will take place in EXCO, Daegu, South Korea from 16 untill 18 February 2022.

KISTOCK now opens its doors for the 11th time, as one of the prominent and largest livestock expos in Korea. The previous expo was scheduled to be held in September 2019, but it was postponed as a result of African Swine Fever in the region. Since then the pandemic around the world has led to the unprecedented postponement of the event, however this coming February, the expo will resume.
Theme and participants
Theme of the expo is ‘Sharing Tomorrow’, based on the livestock industry’s future vision. It is co-hosted by the Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, 6 prominent livestock associations, namely Korea Poultry Association, Korea Pork Producers Association, Hanwoo (Korean beef) Association, Korea Dairy & Beef Farmers Association, Korea Duck Association, Korea Association for Livestock Housing & Environment Machineries. In the previous expo in 2017, there were 858 booths and 259 international & local exhibitors from 10 countries including the Netherlands.
Sectors of the expo
Exhibit area covers the following sectors:
- Livestock equipment and facilities, sanitation, livestock processing facilities;
- Fee sector: Fodder materials and products, feed additives, nutrition;
- Pharmaceutical sector: Animal drugs, prescription disease, hygiene, disinfection;
- Breeding stock sector: Varieties, improved breeding stock, Biotechnology;
- Production sector: Acid technology, farm management, consulting, farm HACCP;
- Information sector: Livestock-related publications and information, computer distribution and management system.
Netherlands Pavilion
The Netherlands Pavilion welcomes Dutch companies and/or Korean partners/representatives/dealers/importers of Dutch companies active in Korea, with the aim to promote Dutch technology and knowledge in the field of livestock and animal welfare. This year the KISTOCK will take place physically, however the Agriculture team in Seoul will represent companies that wish to participate digitally. This will allow these companies to showcase their innovative products and services, come into contact with new customers and generate (international) exposure for their organization and product.
Information and contact
If you are interested to expand and realize your business in this region, please join the Netherlands Pavilion. Please note that there are a limited number of places available.
For more information, you can reach out to the agriculture team at the Netherlands Embassy in Seoul by E-mail at