Invest International start financing Dutch solutions for global challenges
As of the first of October 2021 Invest International is officially ‘in business’. Next to RVO and FMO this new organization will provide instruments that can finance international operations. As a private company led by CEO Joost Oorthuizen, Invest International supports companies active in the Netherlands with the international financing of innovative solutions that contribute to the realization of the Sustainable Development Goals. The company is a Joint Venture of the Dutch State (51%) and Development Bank FMO (49%). ‘We build the sustainable markets of tomorrow by making the more complex investments in innovative solutions financeable.’

In addition to financing from its own share capital of 833 million euros, Invest International also offers financing solutions from public programs. These focus on the international financing of Dutch start-ups and SMEs (more than 300 million euros), but also on public infrastructure projects in developing countries (165 million euros annually). With an annual budget for project development (9 million euros), Invest International can help companies to make their international investments financeable.
Wopke Hoekstra, Dutch Minister of Finance: “The start of Invest International is an important incentive to further strengthen the support of Dutch companies abroad. By combining efforts and additional financial resources, the threshold for sustainable investments abroad and the export of Dutch expertise is further lowered.”
More capital available for international financing
Various studies have shown there are good opportunities in international markets for companies that are operating from the Netherlands. At the same time it appears that commercial banks or investors can’t always meet the need for international financing that comes along with entering or expanding in international markets. Often this has to do with risks that are unknown or not acceptable for market parties.

With the risk-bearing financing and the project development services of Invest International, more capital will become available. As a result, the international opportunities for businesses active in the Netherlands can be better utilized. Invest International has decided to start with a business focus on sectors in which the business community in the Netherlands has a lot to offer (in terms of the SDGs): Agro-Food, Healthcare, Water & Infrastructure, Sustainable Production and Climate & Energy.
Regarding Agri-food: “As an international market leader in Agri-Food, The Netherlands is well equipped to explore and co-design the solutions for the transition of the agricultural and food industry. Driven by the ability to combine productivity and innovation with highly efficient processing and logistics this transition offers tremendous business opportunities. We believe it’s our role to make the necessary investments feasible.” This includes: circularity and nature-inclusiveness, food security and balanced distribution and more sustainable value chains.
RVO and Invest international
Invest International will work with RVO and FMO to keep on supplying a rich variety of financial instruments for companies interested in investing abroad. Various financial instruments and employees of RVO will move to invest international. This concerns the instruments:
- Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF)
- Dutch Trade and Investment Fund (DTIF)
- Facilit for Infrastracture Development (ORIO)
- Develop2Build (D2B)
- Development Related Infrastructure Investment Vehicle (DRIVE)
Does your business has an international financing need? Invest International offers a variety of capital solutions for companies whose international activities contribute to realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. For more information visit the website of Invest International:
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