Report on international trade and marketing opportunities in Sri Lankan horticulture sector

The Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands in Sri Lanka will be unveiling its latest report on the Sri Lankan horticultural sector on 16th August. As of that date the document will be available at the Embassy website

The study was conducted with the main objective of identifying the potential for international trade and marketing opportunities in the Sri Lankan horticultural sector. The report describes the gaps and opportunities in the Sri Lankan horticulture sector and provides recommendations to the international service providers to engage in Sri Lanka.

The report’s uniqueness lies in its focus on conducting the study on commercial and sustainable aspects. It adds practical value in terms of medium and long term opportunities for Sri Lankan horticulture entrepreneurs to partner with (international) stakeholders by providing expertise and technology to enhance the commercialization of the horticulture industry in Sri Lanka.

It draws particular attention to the engagement opportunities for Dutch expertise and companies by means of providing:

  • inputs such as seeds and propagation materials, fertilizers, machineries, inputs for organic farming etc.;
  • technical supplies, covering the whole supply chain (greenhouses, automation, irrigation, growing systems, logistics, post-harvest solutions);
  • solutions for logistics, international trade, certifications etc.;
  • consultation and market promotion support;
  • agronomy practices and agricultural extension services;
  • knowledge and technical know-how.

The Sri Lankan horticulture sector has been a widely talked about industry over the years due to its potential for significant growth which has, unfortunately, not yet materialised. Given this potential to be a leading producer of horticultural and related crops, both the public and private sectors in the country continue to explore opportunities to strengthen the sector and tackle the issues faced within the sector that have constrained its growth.

The Netherlands is globally known for its agricultural policy, which is highly productive and efficient, also in terms of sustainability (e.g. the water requirement for fresh tomatoes has brought down from 300 to 4 litres/kg). The Netherlands aims to globally share its expertise and to promote sustainability through circular agriculture, increased resource use efficiency, organic farming, climate resiliency. The Netherlands expects Dutch companies globally to produce and trade responsibly (Responsible Business Conduct).