Ethiopian National Elections
The sixth national election in Ethiopia was held yesterday on June 21st. It turned out to be a rather peaceful one. Voters were standing in line since the crack of dawn to cast their ballots in what is the country's first elections in six years. The election was postponed twice in the past year but further delay was not made despite the conflict in Tigray that has erupted since last November (no date has been set for elections there) and the problem in the two regions, Somali and Harar, which previously delayed voting until September.

Polling stations opened as early as 6:00am in many parts of the country and there were long queues in most areas where the voting took place. It had been broadcasted that 40% from the total population registered to vote, and it seemed most of the registered voters turnout out to vote yesterday. When the polls were supposed to close in the evening in the Ethiopian capital of Addis Ababa, election workers said turnout was better than expected and that crowds of people were still queued, hence the closing time was extended for a few more hours into the evening – until 9:00pm.
Most poll workers in several constituencies and polling stations announced successful conclusion of voting process and ballot counting was initiated later in the evening. There were journalists disseminated across the country in different polling stations reporting the election live on different TV/Radio channels. We were also notified by our own colleague (from MoFA and the permanent representative to the AU and EU), who was an observant of the election and who traveled to 4-5 polling stations in Addis Ababa, that it was a well-organized and professional election.
The National Electoral Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) notified that every polling station would post their respective results as soon as they have concluded ballot counting. Preliminary results of yesterday’s general election are unfolding today in several parts of the country. The NEBE said the certified result will be announced within ten days at the national level.
The NEBE announced in a briefing that no security problem was encountered during the voting process and that almost all constituencies and polling stations had successfully concluded the election despite some challenges. There were a few irregularities in some parts of the country including but not limited to logistical problems and challenges faced by observers. Amhara region, Southern Nations Nationalities and People’s Region and Afar region are some of the areas where election observers were reportedly experiencing challenges. Chairwoman of the Election Board, stated that the board received some complaints regarding various circumstances and resolved several issues raised by poll officers, candidates and other actors of the election. Some constituencies that faced serious problems related to shortage of ballot papers are set to conduct voting today as well as per electoral proclamation.
Source: summary of various Ethiopian media articles
Written 22 June 2021