Slovakia: Avian Influenza in zoo
An occurrence of Avian Influenza has been confirmed at the Kosice zoo in the east of the country, the Slovakian State Veterinary and Food Administration (SVPS) announced on Friday (January 7, 2021).

The National Reference Laboratory for Avian Influenza (AI) in Zvolen has announced a positive result of an examination for avian influenza in the Slovak Republic in 2021 for captive-bred birds. The occurrence of the disease was found in captive birds in the Kosice Zoo in two samples of Carina moschata (Muscovy duck). Two ducks had died while another showed clinical symptoms. The SVPS announed that the probable source of infection is contact between wild birds and with birds kept in the zoo.
In addition to the closure of the zoo for the public, measures have been taken to prevent the virus from spreading, including immediate destroying of all birds showing clinical symptoms of the avian flu and ensuring the biological safety of birds housed in the zoo.
As of 31 December 2020, there were 109 species of birds in the zoo with a total of 479 pieces.
Source: ŠVPS SR - Štátna veterinárna a potravinová správa SR (
It is not the first time that AI was confirmed at a zoo in Slovakia. A year ago, in January 2020, the presence of AI was confirmed at the Bojnice zoo (Nitra region).

ASF spread further in 2020
At the end of 2020, on December 17, the occurence of African Swine Fever (ASF) was confirmed in a wild boar which was shot in the district of Veľký Krtíš. This is the first confirmation of the occurrence in the given area, which has so far been without the occurrence of this disease. The wild boar was shot in the Bužina Doln Strehov district, about 3 km from the Slovak / Hungarian border. On the Hungarian side, the occurrence of the disease in wild boar has been confirmed for a long time.
The wild boar was examined as part of the obligatory active monitoring and investigation of wild game in the given area due to the inclusion of the given area in the high-risk area. As for the introduction of the disease, the presumption of SVPS is that of its direct introduction through wild game across the green border. The relevant authorities have issued measures to prevent further irradiation or slowing down the disease, including the temporary ban on wild game hunting.
source: Nákazy a choroby zvierat - Africký mor ošípaných (