Sabasaba fair in Tanzania: Power of practical trainings in unlocking aquaculture sector growth
The Dar es Salaam International Trade Fair (DITF) also known as Sabasaba fair is an annual promotional event organized by the Tanzania Trade Development Authority (TANTRADE). At the Sabasaba fair companies are showcasing products or services aiming to establish new contacts. In this year’s exhibition (1 -13 July 2020), the agricultural department of the Embassy of the Netherlands together with a consortium of Dutch companies under FoodtechAfrica, facilitated the participation of a local partner Big Fish Safina Ltd.

Big Fish had the honor to participate under the pavilion of the Tanzania’s Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries promoting the aquaculture sector in Tanzania. Different Dutch aquaculture farming technologies were displayed such as Y-Y super males tilapia fingerings, improved ponds systems, cages and re-circulatory aquaculture systems (RAS). Mrs. Zena Mndeme, the director of BigFish, explained that “Since the aquaculture sector in Tanzania is at an infant stage, knowledge sharing and practical skills trainings is the secret weapon to unlock the sector full potential”. She continued to explain that “there are no short cuts for sustainability and profitable aquaculture farming: A farmer has to get good quality fingerings, right technology, quality feeds and farming skills”.
or this reason, Big fish Safina ltd, in collaboration with FoodtechAfrica, established a demonstration farm at Kigamboni, Tanzania. The farm was officially launched in February 2020 by Hon. Abdallah Ulega, the deputy Minister of the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries, as a training center. The center is now open for Tanzania aquaculture farmers to learn practical skills and best aquaculture farming practices within the value chain. This initiative is supported by the Tanzanian and the Netherlands governments through an MoU on development of aquaculture sector which was signed between Tanzania and the Netherlands (See here for more information).

During the fair, Big Fish welcomed the opportunity for interested farmers and companies to physically visit the training center to be acquainted with fish farming practical skills. The fair was well visited, with 480 new contacts from people who visited the BigFish booth while 92 registered for fish farming trainings.
In addition to this, due to outbreak of COVID-19, which created restrictions in travelling; FoodtechAfrica has created an online platform of the Tanzanian Aquaculture training program, which brings Tanzania one step closer towards sustainable aquaculture sector development. To register for these free courses and to access to all course materials please visit this webpage. If you are interested to learn more about BigFish and the Impact Cluster Aquaculture see here the Big Fish Swahili and English brochures and the Impact Clusters Aquacultre Brochure - Link.
For more information about the aquaculture sector, the event or any other agricultural questions for the Agricultural department and the Agricultural Counsellor feel free to contact us via For the latest updates on activities, new articles and more follow us on twitter on @NLAgiTanzania and you can subscribe to our newsletter by sending us an email. For any other questions for the Netherlands Embassy in Dar es Salaam, this website links to the general contact information.
Big Fish Brochure in Swahili
This is the brochure by and about Big Fish in Tanzania. For more information about the aquaculture sector, the event or any ...
Big Fish Brochure English
This is the brochure by and about Big Fish in Tanzania. For more information about the aquaculture sector, the event or any ...