Support to Tanzanian farmers by Solidaridad during COVID-19
As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Tanzania has experienced challenges in productivity in the agricultural sector due to a number of factors which include, reduced demand for agricultural produce locally and internationally and increased difficulty in transportation of the produce due to travel restrictions. A team of Solidaridad went out to the Tanzanian countryside to provide Tanzanian farmers training on relevant COVID-19 information.

Solidaridad is an international solution-oriented civil society organization, working to transform markets and making them more sustainable and inclusive. They work on amongst others food and nutrition security and strengthened producer organizations in different sectors such as horticulture, dairy, livestock, tea, coffee and gold. The current COVID-19 pandemic has led to unemployment in both the formal and informal agricultural sector, reduced purchasing power and a threat to the food security. Not to forget that many are at risk of being exposed contracting the virus as they continue to work within high risk environments that make one vulnerable to contracting COVID-19.
Solidaridad points out that it is crucial to support farmers during this time to strengthen their capacity and enhance their resilience. With a donation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the Netherlands they implemented a COVID-19 awareness campaign targeted at farmers and farmer groups. The training includes infection prevention and control measures, as well as proper nutrition and management of the disease. This will ensure that farmers are able to continue their production both during and after the pandemic. This supports not only the farmers, but also those who rely on their produce. By strengthening local markets this project encourages business continuity.

This contribution only reflects a small part of the involvement and support the Netherlands is offering Tanzania in their fight against COVID-19. The support of the Netherlands is innovative and sustainable, supporting Tanzania in the long term as well, by stimulating trade and public-private partnerships. The Netherlands supports Tanzania’s corona related efforts through: multilateral channels such as the United Nations system (incl. WHO), World bank Group and the European Union; bilateral trade and sustainable development initiatives; and private initiatives by Dutch private parties such as companies.
For more information about the Solidaridad and the project please check this website, for questions for the Agricultural department and the Agricultural Counsellor feel free to contact us via For the latest updates on activities, new articles and more follow us on twitter on @NLAgiTanzania and you can subscribe to our newsletter by sending us an email. For any other questions for the Netherlands Embassy in Dar es Salaam, this website links to the general contact information.