Support to farmers and those in need during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya
COVID-19 does not only affect those who get the virus and feel unwell. The necessary restrictions that are put in place to protect society also have another unpreventable impact on society. As movement is restricted due to lockdowns and curfews, often already vulnerable people lose jobs and farmers experience logistical challenges and lacking consumers for their produce.
From the start of the Kenyan lock-down the need to connect these two groups became very evident. In response, Claire van Enk set up Farm to Feed. Farm to Feed is a two-way street. Feed the most vulnerable communities with food sourced directly from farmers struggling to keep afloat due to the impact of COVID-19 crisis.

Within four days of fundraising after the project started they made their first delivery, one load of vegetables to Deep Sea Slum in Nairobi and the setup of the first supply hub in Limuru. After only one week Farm to Feed was able to expanded their impact and started to deliver food 6 days a week to different locations around Nairobi. Currently the project shares 2000/3000 meals each day. Helping out the vulnerable in the different communities such as disabled, orphans, elderly and families unable to provide from themselves.

Currently the project is on its way to reach its €100,000 goal. The agricultural team of the Netherlands Embassy were inspired by this initiative, as it shows how much impact can be made when a community is moved to act together and respond quickly during times of radical change. With an extra donation provided by the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality in the Netherlands this project receives a boost to expand their supply hubs, impact on the communities and on the farmers who lost their markets. Would your company also like to contribute or be part of this project, please check for more information their website Farm to Feed Kenya.

This contribution only reflects a small part of the involvement and support the Netherlands is offering Kenya in their fight against COVID-19. The support of the Netherlands is innovative and sustainable, supporting Kenya in the long term as well, by stimulating trade and public-private partnerships. The Netherlands supports Kenya’s corona related efforts through: multilateral channels such as the United Nations system (incl. WHO), World bank Group and the European Union; bilateral trade and sustainable development initiatives; and private initiatives by Dutch private parties such as companies.
For more information about this project and to see how you can contribute check Farm to Feed Kenya. For questions for the Agricultural department and the Agricultural Counsellor feel free to contact us via For the latest updates on activities, new articles and more follow us on twitter on @NLAgriKenya and you can subscribe to our newsletter by sending us an email. For any other questions for the Netherlands Embassy in Nairobi, this website links to the general contact information.