Biological crop protection in Ukraine - only 5% of the market
Only 5% of biological products are used on the Ukrainian market the rest 95% are chemicals. 40% are inported products while 60% are are produced in Ukraine.
According to the estimates, the world market for biological crop protection is estimated at about $ 7 billion with 12-17% annual growth. There are more than 500 manufacturers of biological products in the world. Only 5% of biological products are used on the Ukrainian market the rest 95% are chemicals.
Vladyslav Bolokhovskyi, General Director of the BTU-CENTER group of companies, told about this during a press tour of the company's production facilities in Ladyzhyn.
"According to the independent analytical company Pro Consulting, of the 5% of biologicals used in Ukraine, 40% are inported products while 60% are are produced in Ukraine. The majority of htem are inoculants. The share of BTU-CENTER in the market of biologicals in Ukraine is 27.9%. "We produce 57 biological products for agriculture, of which 54 products are certified" Organic Standard "for organic farming," says Vladislav Bolokhovsky.
According to him, the products of BTU-CENTER are applied at about 3 million hectares in Ukraine. The production capacity of 10 thousand tons of products per year makes the company a leader in the production of microbiological products.
"About 80% of biological products in the world are used for growing vegetables and fruits. Our experience - more than 90% of sales are for growing crops. BTU-CENTER has been working on the topic of restoring soil fertility by biological methods for 21 years. During this time, we have accumulated considerable knowledge and experience, created the Institute of Applied Biotechnology, which is an important link in the creation of new products and the close connection between "farmers and production," - said Vladislav Bolokhovsky.
According to him, currently the Institute of Applied Biotechnology is working on the creation of 4th generation of crop protection agents.
Lyudmila Lebid,