Report The Zimbabwean Fruit and Vegetable Sector
This study offers an in-depth overview of the fruit and vegetables agro-processing sector in Zimbabwe. It describes the value chain in terms of structure, actors and their position in the value chain. Based on the analysis, bottlenecks of the industry are identified in order to uncover opportunities for further development.
More specifically, this study has been conducted with the aim to inform the Netherlands Embassy of opportunities whereby Dutch experts and businesses can be mobilised to contribute to the development of the value chain.
The study objectives are:
- Identification of the feasibility of the adaption and implementation of internationally recognised market driven food safety and quality management systems in Zimbabwe.
- Identification of the bottlenecks and opportunities in the fruit & vegetables agro-processing value chains.
- Outlining of strategies and a roadmap on how Dutch experts and businesses can engage in the implementation of international food safety and quality management standards in the fruit and vegetables value chain in Zimbabwe.
The higher purpose of the value chain analysis is to prepare a roadmap with interventions to support
local companies in closing the gaps in quality and safety standards, enabling them to develop their export through creating lucrative partnerships with Dutch enterprises.
Through the link below, you can download the full report.