Modest contribution of food commodities by The Dutch embassy in Rwanda
To support Rwandans' efforts to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, our Embassy on Tuesday made a modest contribution by delivering horticulture commodities (French beans and mushrooms) to Solid Africa.

Solid Africa is local NGO that provides aid to the most vulnerable patients of Rwandan public hospitals. These patients were hit hard by the COVID-19 crisis, as the people who used to regularly bring them food were suddenly restricted in their movements and could no longer help them.

With its centralized kitchen of 22 cooks and 38 farmers that provide the raw food goods, Solid Africa currently serves three nutritionally balanced meals to 800 patients in four hospitals around Kigali every day. The commodities we delivered were sourced from Kigali farm and three exporters (Garden Fresh, Proxy Fresh with Lotec), supported by HortInvest, as they were currently facing challenges with exports due to the restricted cargo space.