Spain: Spanish expert leads a H2020 project for a vaccine against ASF

The VACDIVA project has received an allocation of €10 million to solve the problem of the African Swine Fever in Europe and other affected countries, through innovative actions searching for candidate vaccines.

Coordinated by Prof. Sánchez-Vizcaíno from the University of Madrid, the project “A vaccine against African Swine Fever” has been selected by the European Commission to be financed with €10 million.

The project includes the participation of ASF world reference laboratories (OIE, FAO), the EU reference laboratory, the national laboratories of the ten European countries currently affected by the disease as well as research centers and vaccine and diagnostic kit manufacturing companies.

In addition to this, a group of Chinese veterinarians and farmers has visited Visavet (the Veterinary Surveillance Center) of the Complutense University from Madrid, in order to receive some training on ASF.

According to Prof. Sánchez-Viacaíno, "they were very concerned because they do not really know how the disease has disseminated throughout the country". He also highlights that his visitors "had a good training and great interest in discovering how to cut the progression of the disease immediately."
