Voornemens Britse overheid bij een no-deal Brexit
Het Verenigd Koninkrijk wil de Europese Unie verlaten, maar het is nog altijd onduidelijk of dat zal gebeuren op basis van een uittredingsakkoord of zonder een deal. Om ervoor te zorgen dat bedrijven zich goed kunnen voorbereiden op een no-deal Brexit heeft de Britse regering no-deal guidances gepubliceerd, die nog steeds regelmatig worden geactualiseerd. In deze guidances geeft de regering aan hoe zij voornemens is te handelen bij no deal. Hieronder vindt u een overzicht van de belangrijkste no-deal guidances voor de agri-food sector.
Importing and exporting plants and plant products if the UK leaves the EU without a deal (incl. verpakkingshout)
Approval of premises as Place of First Arrival application if there's no Brexit deal
Plant imports: authorised points of entry to the UK
Fresh fruit and vegetable marketing standards if the UK leaves the EU without a deal
Developing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) if there's no Brexit deal
Trading and moving endangered species protected by CITES if there’s no withdrawal deal
How to comply with pesticide regulations after Brexit & Regulating pesticides (PPP) if there’s no deal
Manufacturing and marketing fertilisers if there is no Brexit deal
Hops and hops products marketing standards if the UK leaves the EU without a deal
Importing animals, animal products and high-risk food and feed not of animal origin after EU Exit
UK border inspection posts (BIPs): contact details
Exporting animals, animal products, fish and fishery products to the EU after EU Exit
Exporting and importing fish if there’s no Brexit deal
Export horses and ponies: special rules
Pet travel to Europe after Brexit
Trading and moving endangered species protected by CITES if there’s no withdrawal deal
Breeding animals if there's no Brexit deal
Health marks on meat, fish and dairy products if there’s no Brexit deal
Registration of veterinary medicines if there’s no Brexit deal
Regulation of veterinary medicines if there’s no Brexit deal
Accessing animal medicine IT systems if there's no Brexit deal
Importing and Exporting Live Aquatic Animals: EU Exit
The veterinary sector and preparing for EU Exit
The fisheries sector and preparing for EU Exit
Food & Drink:
Food labelling changes after Brexit
Trading and labelling organic food if there’s no Brexit deal
Producing and processing organic food if there's no Brexit deal
Protecting food and drink names if there's no Brexit deal
Douane, (grens)controles en tarieven:
Prepare your business or organisation for the UK leaving the EU
Temporary rates of customs duty (tariffs) on imports after EU Exit
The Customs (Tariff Rate Quotas) Regulation
UK border inspection posts (BIPs): contact details
Port designations (DPEs, DPIs en FPIs)
Plant imports: authorised points of entry to the UK
Regulating chemicals (REACH) if there’s no Brexit deal
Export and import of hazardous chemicals if there’s no Brexit deal
Classifying, labelling and packaging chemicals if there's no Brexit deal