Spain and other 5 MS, against CAP cuts

On May 31, France, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Finland and Spain have agreed on  a common position to demand the EC that the CAP reform should not cut “even a single euro” from the budget allocated to agriculture.

Memorandum MFF - CAP

This is what the Spanish Minister García Tejerina declared after holding a meeting in Madrid in which six member states have agreed on a memorandum rejecting the CAP cuts announced by the CE.

The call of García Tejerina was attended by Stéphane Travert (French Minister for Agriculture), Luis Capoulas Santos (Portuguese Minister), Michael Creed (Irish Minister),  Jari Partanen (Secretary of State from Finland) and Charalampos Kasimis (Greek Secretary General for Agriculture).

The document will be presented at the ministers’ council on June 18.
