Groeiende belangstelling van de Nederlandse voedingssector in Japan

De Nederlandse export van levensmiddelen naar Japan zit al enkele jaren in de lift. Het eetpatroon verwestert langzaam en de binnenlandse productie is niet in staat om aan de vraag te voldoen. Het recent afgesloten vrijhandelsverdrag tussen de EU en Japan vergroot nog de mogelijkheden, zeker aangezien de tarieven op een flink aantal producten worden afgeschaft of flink verlaagd. Traditioneel zijn twee levensmiddelenbeurzen het podium om zich te presenteren: de FOODEX (retail & groothandel Food) in februari en FABEX (Food Service) in april. Nederlandse bedrijven waren op beide beurzen aanwezig. Nieuw dit jaar was de introductie van een Holland Food Lounge op de Foodex, om de Japanse consument kennis te laten maken met typisch Nederlandse voedselproducten. Hieronder een korte (beeld) impressie van de Foodex & Fabex.  

Foodex (6-9 March) with Holland Pavilion & Holland Food Lounge for tasting

In March, the Agricultural Office in Tokyo organized the Holland Pavilion at Foodex, the Asia’s largest trade show dedicated to food and drinks, which attracted some 82.000 visitors. The Holland Pavilion this year were participated by 6 companies.
Scelta Mushrooms
Van der Pol en Zonen
VION Food Group
Primo Dairy Solutions
Farm Route  

For Primo Diary Solutions (dehydrate grated cheese) and Farm Route (sweetened beets), it was the first time to participate and they both were satisfied with the outcome. One of them even found a business partner on the spot and the first shipment took place within a month.

What was new to this year’s Foodex was the Holland Food Lounge, the Embassy hosted for tastings. A wide range of dishes using the products of exhibitors and 9 sponsors from veal, pork, caviar, herring, vegetables, mushrooms, cheese to chocolate, coffee, vodka and gin were served.

FABEX (11-13 April)

FABEX is one of the largest trade fairs in Japan covering the entire range of commercial foods and food products, equipment and materials, and containers and packaging. 

It is also where buyers of food service industry and catering sector, looking for high quality unique products meet. Here as well, the increased presence of Dutch food sector has been witnessed.

COV exhibited at the fair with an open kitchen where a chef from the Netherlands served professional visitors Dutch veal, to enhance export of EU veal under its EU-trusted veal campaign. Japan is one of the target countries of this 3-year campaign. Major French fries exporters, such as AVIKO and FarmFrite also exhibited at the fair, in order to enlarge their share in froze potatoes market dominated by U.S.

The Agricultural Office is devoted to promote agricultural and food products form the Netherlands, as well as Dutch cuisine in Japan through numerous product promotion events along with big trade fairs as Foodex and Fabex. To this end we published in January this year a sector report “Functional Food, Big Players and Consumer Trends – Agrifood” in Japan.

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H.E. Mr. Aart Jacobi, Netherlands Ambassador tastes AnnaDutch Caviar at Holland Food Lounge
COV launched its EU-trusted veal campaign in Japan at FABEX