Documenten - Zuid-Korea

17 documenten over Zuid-Korea

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  1. Agrologistics sector study for South Korea

    Korean Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs earlier this year asked WFBR (Wageningen Food and Biobased Research) to ...

    Rapport | 29-10-2024

  2. Strong Dutch presence at the biggest livestock expo in Korea

    In this video, you’ll find testimonials from participating companies in the Kistock Expo in Korea. Dutch companies have partnered ...

    Video | 28-09-2023

  3. Greenhouse Horticulture Energy Transition Mission to Korea

    From 13 to 17 March 2023, the Netherlands organized a trade mission to Korea and Japan about energy transition. The mission, led ...

    Verslag | 19-04-2023

  4. Overview of Dutch agri-food export to South Korea in 2022

    The agriculture team at the Embassy of the Netherlands in Seoul monitors the trade between the Netherlands and South Korea and, ...

    Rapport | 08-02-2023

  5. Overview of Dutch agri-food export to South Korea in 2021

    The agriculture team at the embassy of the Netherlands in Seoul monitors the trade between the Netherlands and South Korea and, ...

    Rapport | 25-01-2022

  6. 2021 IAE Online Fair - Product Registration Manual

    Brochure | 17-09-2021

  7. Greenhouse in South Korea

    Newly updated report on greenhouse horticulture in South Korea by LAN team Seoul is available now. If you are in hi-tech ...

    Rapport | 03-08-2021

  8. Hope flower campaign in South Korea

    Video | 12-06-2020

  9. Marktrapport snijbloemsector Zuid-Korea

    De Nederlandse ambassade in Zuid-Korea heeft samen met RVO een onderzoek laten uitvoeren naar de Zuid-Koreaanse snijbloemensector ...

    Rapport | 11-06-2020

  10. Report 2020 South Korea Milk powder trade

    The Netherlands is the largest exporter of milk powder into Korea. Especially, Milk Powder Preparation was the 4th largest ...

    Rapport | 03-03-2020

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