Thai – Dutch Collaborative Effort for Climate Resilience Horticulture at Horti Asia 2024 Bangkok

The 8th international trade show for innovation and technology in horticulture and floriculture “Horti Asia 2024” in Bangkok underlines the necessary on broaden international cooperation for climate resilience horticulture and floriculture industries.

Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN
Bert Desmet (Klasmann – Deilmann Asia Pacific Pte Ltd), Mirjam Boekestijn (Dutch Greenhouse Delta), Rob Rippens (Koppert), Ukrit Wongthongsalee (Chanthaburi Chamber of Commerce), Marcus van Heijst (Priva Oceania – India), Professor Dr. Pakkapong Poungsuk (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang – KMITL), Gijs Theunissen DVM (the Netherlands Embassy), Dr. Soontorn Pipithsangchan (Horticultural Science Society of Thailand), Menno Keppel (Agri Solutions Asia), Dr. Metinee Srivatanakul (Horticultural Science Society of Thailand), Assoc. Prof. Surasak Kangkhao (KMITL)

Over 12,200 international visitors from 73 countries visiting Horti Asia 2024

At Horti Asia 2024 and Agritechnica Asia 2024 at BITEC – Bangkok in May 2024, a total of 350 companies from 28 countries, including the Netherlands and Thailand, are exhibiting to showcase the latest innovations and technology trends for smart horticultural production. More than 12,200 visitors from 73 countries, including Thailand and the Netherlands, are attending the event to witness a wide range of innovative and technological trends in horticulture, floriculture, and agriculture.

Horti Asia 2024 is the 8th international trade show for horticultural and floricultural technology and innovation. It’s one of the largest international trade exhibitions for a wide range of innovations and technology transformations for sustainable food security in horticulture and agriculture, addressing significant challenges in the coming decades.

Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN
Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN
Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN

The Inspiring Thai – Dutch Session at Horti Asia 2024

Together with the Horticultural Science Society of Thailand, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang (KMITL), Chanthaburi Chamber of Commerce, and Dutch Greenhouse Delta, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Bangkok, through the Office of the Agricultural Counsellor (LNV – Bangkok), is jointly organizing the “Thai – Dutch Session” under the main theme “A Thai – Dutch Inspiration in Global Context for Innovative & Sustainable Horticulture.”

The Thai – Dutch Session welcomes over 100 professional growers, academics, and business people from Thailand and across Asia, including India, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines. Audiences are inspired by 9 leading experts from Thailand and the Netherlands sharing their expertise on innovative and sustainable horticulture. The Thai – Dutch Session fosters more collaborative efforts for climate-resilient horticulture with more innovative solutions to improve the efficiency and productivity of horticulture.

Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN
Panelist at Thai – Dutch Session; from left: Bert Desmet (Klasmann – Deilmann Asia Pacific Pte Ltd), Ukrit Wongthongsalee (Chanthaburi Chamber of Commerce), Assoc. Prof. Surasak Kangkhao (KMITL), Mirjam Boekestijn (Dutch Greenhouse Delta), Dr. Metinee Srivatanakul (Horticultural Science Society of Thailand), Gijs Theunissen DVM (the Netherlands Embassy), Marcus van Heijst (Priva Oceania – India), Menno Keppel (Agri Solutions Asia), Rob Rippens (Koppert)

The Netherlands is renowned for innovative solutions in CEA (Controlled Environment Agriculture). CEA enables us to create the optimum climate for crops, regardless of weather conditions and outdoor environment. Apart from saving water for agricultural production, CEA ensures access to fresh food anytime, anywhere. Dutch Greenhouse Delta is dedicated to global promotion of the Dutch horticulture sector and foster partnerships enhancing the strength of Dutch horticulture and international collaboration.

- Mirjam Boekestijn (Dutch Greenhouse Delta)

The substrate evolution roadmap for horticulture: fit for plants, fit for system and fit for sustainability. Fit for plans means uniform germination, precise water and nutrient control also reduce disease risk.

- Bert Desmet (Klasmann – Deilmann Asia Pacific Pte Ltd)

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IPM (Integrated Pest Management) employs a combination of strategies to prevent and control pests while minimizing use of pesticides. It’s a sustainable and environmentally responsible approach to pest management. This is to achieve a balance in the ecosystem by improve growing practices in partnership with nature.

- Rob Rippens (Koppert)

To apply Dutch innovation for vegetables production in Thailand under climate control system, adapting to local tropical circumstance is a key to success for innovating Thai – Dutch collaboration.

- Menno Keppel (Agri Solutions Asia)

From plastic multi-span to high-tech closed greenhouse, creating a climate for plant growth by developing innovative solutions for sustainable climate control in horticulture and building vertical farming facilities helps to produce high yield and high possible quality of plant.

- Marcus van Heijst (Priva Oceania – India)

Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN

The rapidly urbanization results in changing of agricultural area also heritage (natural, culture) community. Horticulture sector plays a green role of local identity (local plant species) via architectural design (landscaping) and urban planning “Green City” in both historical and modern city. An updated data is needed for decision makers.

- Assoc. Prof. Surasak Kangkhao (King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang)

Tropical fruits sector in Thailand is vibrant contributing a significant socioeconomic role on Thai horticulture. Continuously embracing innovative solution to commit to sustainable tropical fruits value chain is high in Thai agri-food system.

- Ukrit Wongthongsalee, Chanthaburi Chamber of Commerce

Connecting Thailand and Asia with The Netherlands at NL Information Booth at Horti Asia 2024

The Netherlands Information Booth is organized at Horti Asia 2024 to facilitate and connect the Netherlands horticulture and agri-food with Thailand and Asia.

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Horticultural Science Society of Thailand by Dr. Soontorn Pipthsangchan (President) and Dr. Metinee Srivatanakul (Secretary-General) and Assoc. Prof. Surasak Kangkhao (KMITL) with Gijs Theunissen DVM (Dutch Agricultural Counsellor)
Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN
Dutch Agricultural Counsellor welcomes leading agri-food companies of Thailand at NL Booth
Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN
Agricultural students from Kasetsart University at NL Booth
Beeld: ©Chantachitpreecha, KS / EKN
Mr. Artthakorn Sirilatthayakorn, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand visits the Netherlands Booth in Horti Asia 2024. The Vice Minister is welcome by Ms. Mirjam Boekestijn, CEO of Dutch Greenhouse Delta.

“Thailand is proud to host Horti Asia 2024 and Agritechnica Asia 2024. Through collaborative efforts, we can shape the future of agriculture, ensuring it meets the demands of today while preserving resources for tomorrow to tackling the challenges posed by climate change and food security.

- Artthakorn Sirilatthayakorn, Vice Minister of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand

Horti Asia is rebranded to HAN Asia 2025

In an exciting development under the VIV worldwide direction, Horti Asia is rebranded to “Horti Agri Next Asia” or “HAN Asia” and make a comeback to Bangkok in March 12th – 14th, 2025 at IMPACT, Bangkok, Thailand. HAN Asia 2025 is collocated with VIV Asia 2025, the premier international trade show in livestock production, animal husbandry, and the largest feed-to-food trade show in Asia.

Horti Agri Next Asia - Horti Agri Next Asia