Offshore Wind Mission Taiwan
On March 3-4, the Offshore Wind Mission from the Netherlands was brought to Taiwan. This mission focused on discussing the ecological impact of offshore wind farms with the Taiwanese local government and exchanging relevant policy making experiences.

In the two days of very intense program, the Offshore Wind Mission met several Taiwanese local government agencies to discuss the ecological impact of wind farms on mammals, birds and fish, as well as nature enhancement in offshore wind farms and exchange policy making experience. From the Dutch side, experts and representatives from the Wageningen Marine Research, Van Oord and the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality were present and attended three meetings with the Ocean Affairs Council (OAC), Fisheries Agency and Bureau of Energy of Taiwan. A separate “Workshop on Fishery and Ecology” was held which additionally invited fisheries associations, NGOs and research institutes in Taiwan to discuss the current problem both countries are facing. As an example, the Netherlands is in the stage of the policy development in the field of offshore wind farming while restructuring of the fishing industry of the North Sea. Various Dutch governmental agencies, stakeholders from the environmental protection organizations, fisheries industry, offshore wind farming industry are involved in this negotiation process. Taiwan is dealing with similar challenges and therefore the exchange of experience was very useful for both countries.
The current issues in which the Taiwan side is mostly interested are:
- Current fishery situation of the Netherlands;
- The way offshore wind developments affect the local fisheries;
- Compensation for fishermen;
- The way offshore wind companies cooperate with local fisheries;
- The restrictions of fishing boat entering wind farm, especially for trawler boat.
Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) in Taiwan is planning to send an Ecology Mission to the Netherlands in late June 2020. The mission will consistent of researchers, policy advisors, NGOs and fishery associations, visiting TNO, Wageningen Marine Research and Bureau Waardenburg in the Netherlands.
More information
For more information on the upcoming mission, please contact RVO: Mr. Kees Mokveld <>.