Spain: Plátano de Canarias, first agricultural sector to certify its carbon footprint

Asprocan (Association of Canary Islands Banana’s POs) has reported that this fruit has become the first Spanish primary subsector to certify its carbon footprint, from production to distribution and sale all over the country.

Plátano de Canarias

The low environmental impact of this crop has been demonstrated with a carbon footprint value of 195.15 grams of CO2 per kilogram of fruit, placing it at the highest sustainability levels accredited in its category.

Asprocan recalls that the banana sector in the Canary Islands was a pioneer in Spain six years ago in certifying the veracity of the calculation of its GHG emissions during the process of cultivation, distribution and maturation of the produce.

The Plátano de Canarias brand represents more than 8,000 growers and there are more than 1,000 companies selling and distributing this fruit all year around. “Thanks to them, Plátano de Canarias is present in more than 16 million households throughout Spain”, Asprocan’s President assures.
