Spanish scientists confirming the failure of the EU Biodiversity Strategy in Mediterranean agroecosystems

Researchers at the National Museum of Natural Sciences have warned that the EU's agrarian policies harm the conservation objectives of Natura 2000 and that the CAP "is in conflict with the EU's strategy to conserve biodiversity.


After fifteen years monitoring threatened bird species which inhabit in the Iberian Peninsula, the researchers have concluded that to conserve landscape and its biodiversity, it is necessary to change the model, at least in the areas making up N2000. "The CAP is committed to an intensive agriculture which comes into direct conflict with the goals and measures of the biodiversity conservation".

"Bird populations in N2000 farmland are becoming extinct in the same way as in unprotected areas because agricultural intensification also affects those areas to be supposedly preserved".

To mitigate the negative effects of the CAP, the Spanish scientists propose to change the current management model of protected agricultural lands through the long-term implementation of sustainable agricultural practices other than those subsidized by the CAP".

The full article in English can be read  via the link below.

Palacín, C. y Alonso, J.C. (2018). Failure of EU Biodiversity Strategy in Mediterranean farmland protected areas. Journal for Nature Conservation 42; 62-66.