Slovakia launched platform Circular Economy
The Embassy of the Netherlands in Bratislava and the Dutch Chamber of Commerce are 2 of the founding members of the Slovak platform Circular Economy. Companies who have an interest to join can read more information in the brochure, including contact details. There is a special interest in circular agriculture, packaging, automotive and the wood sector.
Seven partners from the public, private and NGO sectors have founded a platform called 'Circular Slovakia' that should contribute towards changing the country's economic model, and they signed a memorandum on cooperation at the Environment Ministry. One of the founding partners is the Embassy of the Netherlands in Bratislava.
The platform should contribute towards the country's transition to a circular economy, which will save natural resources, minimise waste, reduce dependency on imports of primary raw materials and provide new business opportunities. Car sharing, clothes made from recycled materials and guarantees that spare parts will be available - this is how a circular economy reducing waste and greenhouse-gas emissions might look in practice, said Environment Ministry State Secretary Norbert Kurilla. Promoting cross-sector partnerships and discussions on opportunities and removing barriers to a circular economy are among the main goals of Circular Slovakia, he added.
According to the Slovak Business Agency, one of the platform's founding members, tougher legislation is among the reasons why firms are becoming interested in a circular economy. However, regulations are only a partial solution. There is a need to change people's thinking.
Petra Csefalvayova of the Circular Economy Institute said that the new platform aims to promote awareness and point to opportunities for entrepreneurs. These can save money on waste-management fees, upgrade existing business models or discover new ones thanks to circular principles.
The platform's coordinator Denisa Rasova noted that in the first stage the aim is to attract firms that are already implementing circular principles. Those who join the platform first will have an opportunity to participate in setting priorities and activities.
The platform's founding members are the Environment Ministry, the Dutch Embassy, the Slovak Business Agency, PricewaterhouseCoopers Slovakia, the Circular Economy Institute, the Slovak Environment Agency and the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in Slovakia.
Information brochure about the platform for circular Economy and contact details can be found here.