10 oktober Circular Agricultural Day at the Embassy

Let op: deze activiteit heeft al plaatsgevonden


  • Datum
  • Locatie Poland/ Warsaw

Circular agriculture aims at keeping residuals of agriculture biomass and food processing within the food system as renewable resources. Closing cycles will be the new model on which future agriculture is based. Therefore the Agricultural Section of the Embassy joined the Circular Week 2019 and on the 10th of October will organize two sessions dedicated to improving soil quality and preventing food waste.

vegetables with logo
Beeld: ©NLinPoland

The goal of the Circular Agricultural Day at the Embassy is to inform the Polish stakeholders about the Dutch approach to circular agriculture and gain better insights into legislation, initiatives, and measures of both countries. If you’re interested please contact us on war-lnv@minbuza.nl

Program of the seminar
Beeld: ©@NLinPoland

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