NESTLÉ to start producing plant-based steaks in Serbia
A new Plant Based Meal Solutions plant will be built in Belgrade.

On the outskirts of Belgrade (Surcin municipality), Nestlé plans to build a plant for the production of Plant Based Meal Solutions (PBMS). This plant will produce four kinds of products (steak, medallions, breast and fillet), based on soy, gluten, rapeseed oil, yeast extract, flour, vinegar and water, with added flavorings.
The plant is planned to upgrade the company’s operations. In order for it to be built, the existing distribution center within the Nestlé industrial complex in Surcin will be entirely re-constructed.
According to the company’s plans, after finishing the main construction project on the plant and side facilities later this year, the extension of production facilities will continue in the coming years.
The PBMS production technology entails a process of discrete procedures. T among other things, the extruding and the cutting of the mass in four mentioned shapes, breading, the frying of semi-products, grill marking, freezing and packing.
The news portal EKapija, which reported on the development, also adds that on a global level, Nestlé has been offering vegan and vegetarian products within its Garden Gourmet brand for several years now. The company has recently announced their entry into the market of laboratory-farmed meat. It is said that the development plan of Nestlé Adriatic S envisages an expansion of the range of products and that the company has chosen its production location in Serbia for the production of plant-based products.
The Secretariat for Environmental Protection of the City of Belgrade has advertised a public review of the request submitted by Nestlé Adriatic S on the environmental impact assessment of the project for the production facility of Nestlé PBMS in Surcin.
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