Doing business in Rwanda
Rwanda is a small country in the heart of Africa covering an area of 26,338 km2. The country is
primarily mountainous (land of a thousand hills), with an average altitude ranging from 900m in the
south to 4,500m in the Congo-Nile crest in the northwest. According to the World Bank, Rwanda has a
population of approximately 11.61 million. This makes it one of the most densely populated
countries in the world (412 inhabitants/km2). In terms of business opportunities, Rwanda scores
second highest in Sub-Saharan Africa on the ‘Ease of doing business index’, mostly due to
government efforts to improve the business climate and to the country’s generally low
rates of corruption. In addition, Rwanda is bordered on all sides by countries with growing
Through the link below you can download the full report Factsheet Doing Business in Rwanda, edited by the Dutch ministry of Foreign Affairs in april 2016