Russian import formalities for animal and plant products reported to be simplified to prevent disruption of supplies
Over the past two weeks it has been reported on a kind of relaxation to import procedures for deliveries of the animal and plant products into the Russian Federation.

Logistical turmoil
Due to the logistical difficulties that have arisen when importing goods of animal and vegetable origin into Russia, the procedure for their release in order to prevent disruption of supplies, has been simplified. The release of goods can be implemented based on the copies of veterinary and phytosanitary accompanying documents with a mandatory guarantee from business operators to provide originals. All the necessary measures to confirm the authenticity of these documents will be taken accordingly.
On top of that The Netherlands has earlier switched to the trial on paperless certification for hatching eggs, day-old chicks, boar semen as well as mites, nematodes and insects for biological control, exported into Russia.
Feed and feed additives, veterinary medicines, plants for planting in the highlights
Feed and feed additives, veterinary medicines, plants for planting and seed potatoes have been specifically in the highlights.
Thus, until the end of the year, the permits for the the supply of feed and feed additives to the Russian Federation from foreign establishments included in the list of the Service have been extended.
For feed additives and veterinary medicines all proposals of the businesses for temporary relief in terms of registration dossiers and their amendments, as well as simplifying the registration procedure itself, would be considered.
To be able to fulfill contractual obligations, temporarily until the situation comes back to normal and further notice, plants for planting and seed potatoes can be imported into Russia without pre-shipment control, based on the results of quarantine phytosanitary control and laboratory tests at import.
To be able to import planting material the Russian consignee should first submit an application through the "Argus-Fyto" information system module, indicating the volume of products planned for delivery during the growing season. The permit status can be tracked in the personal account of the specified module.
In order to prevent the accumulation and demurrage of vehicles with seed and planting material at checkpoints across the state border of the Russian Federation, in case laboratory tests are taking too long, it’s allowed to release products to the consignee's warehouse without being able to market them until the results of the tests are available.
Permits to be automatically renewed
In general, different types of permits will be automatically extended or reissued in a simplified manner not only in agriculture but also in retail trade (including excisable goods). This will reduce the administrative burden on organisations and entrepreneurs as well as costs associated with licensing procedures.