Romanian agriculture reported second highest growth in Europe last year

Last year, Romania's agricultural output was worth €16.6 billion, 14% more than in 2022. Romania thus reported the second highest increase in the value of agricultural production in the EU, accounting for 6% of the value of EU agricultural output.

The value of agricultural output in basic prices* passed the €16 billion threshold for the first time, according to European Commission data quoted by, recording thus the second highest growth after Portugal (up 19.2% to €7.4 billion) and generating 6% of the total EU agricultural output. The year before, Romania's share of agricultural output in the EU total was 5.5%.

In terms of value, Romania is the seventh agricultural producer in Europe, with France (€53.6 billion), Italy (€37.7 billion), Germany (€36.5 billion), Spain (€36.1 billion), Poland (€18.1 billion), and the Netherlands (€16.8 billion) leading the way.

Romania has the largest number of agricultural holdings in the EU - around 2 million farms, 93.7% of which generate less than €8,000 a year.

*The basic price is the amount that the producer receives from the buyer for a unit of a good or service less any tax due and plus any subsidy received as a result of producing or selling that output. The basic price also excludes any transportation costs invoiced separately by the producer.