Top 20 agribusiness exporters from Romania shipped EUR 2.6b worth abroad in 2017

The 20 largest agricultural product exporters shipped more than EUR2.6 billion worth abroad in 2017 or 66% of the total agricultural product exports, National Statistics Institute data show.

Romania’s agricultural product export reached almost EUR4 billion last year, according to the preliminary data supplied by the National Statistics Institute (INS). The exporter ranking compiled by the Institute uses the export value in 2017 but does not specify the export value per company, only their position in the ranking. 

Only two of the top 20 agribusiness sector exporters are majority Romanian-owned – Cerealcom Dolj and Patberg International. 

The largest exporter was grain trader COFCO International Romania, the former Nidera, a Chinese-held company that dislodged US-held ADM from the top spot.  

COFCO climbed two positions in the grain exporter ranking. COFCO International posted almost 1.3 billion lei (EUR286 million) revenue, RON15.4 million net profit and had 59 employees in 2016, according to publicly available data. 

Second largest exporter is US-held ADM Romania Trading, which was the leader of the ranking the previous year. ADM is unrivaled when it comes to total sales, which stood at more than RON3.3 billion in 2016. However, ADM has posted losses in seven of the past ten years, 2007-2016, which is at least strange considering it is the undisputed leader of its industry by revenue, which has gone up six-fold in the past decade. 

The third leading grain exporter in 2017 is Swiss-held Ameropa Grains, which dropped one place from 2016. Its revenue stands at more than RON2.6 billion in Romania.
