UNCAPI cooperatives in Romania report annual business of 40 million euros per year in most important agriculture branches

The cooperatives grouped under the National Union of Integrated Production Agricultural Cooperatives (UNCAPI), recently launched, have a business turnover of 40 million euros per year in the most important branches of agriculture, according to a UNCAPI press statement. 

All cooperatives, associations, companies and individuals working in agriculture in Romania can join UNCAPI starting with March 5, 2018 to take advantage of an integrated system of production and sales, as well as representation before state bodies, assistance with accessing European funds, training courses and sales opportunities in the largest retail trade chains. 

The National Union of Integrated Agricultural Cooperatives has started up with six members. The sectors in which they operate are: vegetables, poultry and egg farming, sheep and goat farming, milk and dairy product processing and production, and the sale of agri-food products. 

UNCAPI will represent the interests of agricultural producers before public bodies, central and local governments, while informing and advising, and also initiating proposals to amend food safety legislation and advocate for the association of agricultural producers in cooperatives. 

"The establishment of UNCAPI is yet another sign that Romanian agriculture is on the right track. Romanian farmers are extremely hard working and conscientious people, and, should they have the opportunity to easily reach sources of information and assistance, to have their interests represented and, above all, to work in an organised framework to give them strength and confidence, I am sure they would be soon on the list of major European suppliers," says Agriculture Minister Petre Daea.

March 2018, Agerpres