Romania has cheapest arable land in EU

A hectare of arable land cost on average some EUR 1,958 in Romania in 2016, this being the lowest price in the EU, according to the European Union’s statistical office Eurostat.

At regional level, a hectare of arable land cost the least in the Yugozapaden region of Bulgaria (an average EUR 1,165).

On the other hand, the Netherlands recorded the most expensive purchase price of one hectare of arable land in the EU in 2016, of EUR 63,000, on average. However, among the EU regions for which data is available, the most expensive price for arable land was in the Liguria region of Italy – an average of EUR 108,000 per hectare, according to Eurostat.

Czech Republic recorded the strongest growth in arable land prices between 2011 and 2016 (a three-fold increase), followed by Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia and Hungary.

Meanwhile, renting agricultural land was the most expensive in the Netherlands (an average EUR 791 per hectare for the year), with the highest regional average in Flevoland (NL) being almost twice the national average (EUR 1,536 for the year).

March 2018,