Nieuws - Polen

504 nieuwsberichten over Polen

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  1. Nederlands Paviljoen op Agro-Park in Polen

    De Nederlandse Ambassade in Warschau zet in op de realisatie van een Nederlands paviljoen op Agro-Park 2019 in Polen. Agro-Park ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 28-12-2018 | 12:30

  2. Cooking from food waste in Poland

    On Monday 22 October, the Circular Economy Week in Warsaw organized a workshop related to food waste which was well attended. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 27-11-2018 | 16:55

  3. Poland: sure of food security?

    Poland serves often as an example of a success story in Europe with twenty-six years of uninterrupted economic growth. The ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 26-11-2018 | 15:36

  4. 100 jaar Polen

    100 jaar Polen. Verschillen tussen landbouw van 1918 en 2018

    Nieuwsbericht | 22-11-2018 | 11:30

  5. Polish pork returns back to the US market

    On October 18th , the United States (US) suspended temporarily an import of pork meat from Poland due to African Swine Fever ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 31-10-2018 | 14:23

  6. Food waste in Poland

    Preventing food waste was historically a way to make ends meet. Already from 1861, the cookbooks of the famous English Mrs. ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 09-10-2018 | 16:45

  7. The African Swine Fever in Poland does not let go

    Poland: The Chief Veterinary Officer (21/09) informed about two new ASF outbreaks. Both occurred in the south-east Poland (region ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 02-10-2018 | 20:07

  8. Securing future harvests: the 2018 drought in Poland and a way forward

    In recent years, extreme weather events such as droughts and floods have been appearing in Poland more and more often due to ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 26-09-2018 | 10:58

  9. Agroshow in Bednary Poland: Dutch pavilion focusing on improvement of soils

    This year, a group of Dutch companies active in natural fertilizers, soil analysis and improvement participated with a thematic ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 26-09-2018 | 10:18

  10. Ontwikkelingen Poolse varkens- en rundveestapel

    Volgens de voorlopige cijfers van het Poolse statistiekbureau GUS bedroeg in juni 2018 de Poolse varkensstapel 11,9 miljoen ...

    Nieuwsbericht | 20-09-2018 | 16:18