Drought like every year in Poland, but a little milder. Mainly maize is suffering

Drought still persists in 10 provinces and is found in 11 crops. The greatest water deficit is in Mazovia (central Poland).

Beeld: C.Spaans

The average value of the Climatic Water Balance for Poland was negative, at -66 mm.

The water deficit in the period (June-early August) increased by 2 mm compared to the previous six-decade period.

In terms of specific crops, drought occurred in 11 crops, including grain maize, silage maize, fruits, legumes, tobacco, hops and potato.

The high precipitation across Poland that was recorded from the sixth to the eighth six-decade period and with stagnant evapotranspiration from the fifth to the eighth report was the reason that the water deficit across the country is relatively small for the monitored crops.

Source: IUNG, Farmer.pl