Price-sensitive Polish consumer. In general Poland reflects global changes

The biggest differentiator of the Polish consumer is price. For years, compared to the European market, Poles have shown a very high degree of price sensitivity.

Currently, Poles declare that as a result of the economic situation, the prices of products and services are becoming even more important to them. The group for whom prices are more important than before is as much as 61% of respondents. Also, when choosing specific products, Poles primarily pay attention to the price - this is a key factor for 73% of the population.

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Beeld: ©A. Murawska

Polish trends do not differ from global trends

Plant-based, organic and local products are gaining popularity in Poland, which is also evident in global markets. Producers entering the Polish market with new products meet the preferences and needs of customers and consumers 1:1 from Western markets. One can also see an increasingly wide range of products in the assortment of all branches of the food sector. Therefore, it can be concluded that Polish food trends reflect global changes. There are also unique characteristics resulting from local traditions and preferences, but the Polish consumer is globalizing at one of the fastest rates in the world.

International companies in terms of current and future trends do not treat as separate directions, but try to combine them. Thus, it is not enough to satisfy a specific need or desire of the consumer with the right product - unique taste, texture, packaging and, increasingly, price are also important. The visual experience - the brand's visual identity - also comes into play. Here the Polish market is consistent with the global market.

The narrowing of differences between the Polish and foreign markets is an opportunity for Polish companies, which thanks to this change have an easier entry into foreign markets, as can be perfectly seen from the expansion of Maspex, Colian or Food Care.

Source: PortalSpoż, PwC reports