Agricultural trade between Poland and NL blooming
Agricultural trade between Poland and the Netherlands grew once again in 2021. Poland is the 8th export destination of agricultural goods for the Dutch agrisector and important - Poland entered the top 5 of fastest risers when it comes to change in export value of products made in the Netherlands (+ € 0,4 bln). In addition, earnings on this export grew with 41% since 2015, mainly due to increasing export of floriculture and vegetables. The import of agricultural goods from Poland to the Netherlands grew in 2021 as well.

Record export of agricultural goods from the Netherlands
Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and Wageningen Economic Research estimated Dutch exports of agricultural goods (primary unprocessed goods and secondary processed goods) at €104.7 billion for 2021, which is 9.4% higher than in 2020 (€95.7 billion). This is a new record. The new export record is due to both increased prices and growth in export volume: prices of exports increased slightly more than volume, but more than two-thirds of the value growth in imports was from increased prices.
As in previous years, in 2021 most agricultural exports went to our neighbouring countries. A quarter of the estimated total exports went to Germany (€26.3 billion). Belgium was in second place with 12% (€12.1 billion). This was followed by France and the UK (both 8% or €8.6 billion) as most important buyers. These four neighbouring countries accounted for 53% of total Dutch agricultural exports.
The main commodity groups in agricultural exports were ornamental horticultural products (€12.0 billion), meat (€9.1 billion), dairy products and eggs (€8.7 billion), vegetables (€7.2 billion) and fruit (€7.0 billion). These five commodity groups accounted for 42% of the total export value in 2021.

Growing export to Poland
The top 10 export destinations for agricultural goods account for 71,9% of the total agricultural export. Germany (25%), Belgium (12%), France and the UK (both 8%) are traditionally the most important destinations. They are followed by Italy, China (both 4%), Spain, Poland, US (all 3%) and Denmark (2%).
The export to EU-countries grew in general with a high export growth to Belgium (13%), France (14%), Italy (17%), Spain (21%), Poland (19%) and Denmark (22%). This is making Poland the 8th export destination for the Dutch agricultural sector.

As seen in the first table of this article, Poland entered the top 5 when it comes to fastest risers related to the absolute development of export of agricultural goods made in the Netherlands in 2020-2021. We can see an increase of € 0,4 bln.
This can also be seen back in the earnings related to the export of agricultural goods. The earnings on the export to Poland increased significantly (+41%) since 2015. This is mainly related to the export of the floricultural sector and vegetables. Poland is the most clear growthmarket for Dutch flowers and ornamentals followed by the Czech Republic. As was mentioned by mr Van Horen, senior specialist Fresh Produce at Rabobank (interview Nieuwe Oogst), Poland is very reachable for the Netherlands, while it is difficult for the competition to deliver to. In addition, the income of Poles is improving. Last year, Poland was the 4th export destination for the Dutch floricultural sector.

In the table on the left (or above if you view this from your mobile or tablet), you can see the share of agricultural goods in total earnings of export of goods to the main destinations. For Poland, agricultural goods have a share of approx 31% in the total earnings of export of goods from the Netherlands to Poland.

Growing import from Poland
The countries of origin from where the Netherlands is importing agricultural goods are very similar to the export destinations. When it comes to import, Poland is the 7th country of origin for imports of agricultural goods (see figure on the left) and 6th country of origin for agricultural related goods (see figure below). The export of agricultural goods from Poland to the Netherlands grew in value with 18% in 2021 to € 2,1 bln, making it one of the major risers related to import as well. The value of imports from Poland of agricultural related goods is € 2,4 bln.
The increase of imports is mainly related to meat. From Poland, Germany and Belgium, the import value of meat grew with 7%. Both the volume and the price of import of poultry meat from Poland was higher in 2021 than in 2020.

Overview export destinations
Destinations of export of agricultural goods from the Netherlands in € bln. Poland is 8th export destination with a value of € 3,3 bln in 2021, of which € 2,1 bln agricultural goods made in the Netherlands and € 1,2 bln re-export. In 2020 the total export value of agricultural goods from the Netherlands to Poland was € 2,7 bln.
Source: Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and Wageningen Economic Research

Destinations of export of agricultural related goods from the Netherlands in € bln. Poland is in this case the 9th export destination with a value of € 3,6 bln in 2021, of which € 2,4 bln euro agricultural goods made in the Netherlands and € 1,2 bln re-export. In 2020 the total export value for agricultural related goods from the Netherlands to Poland was € 3,0 bln.
Source: Statistics Netherlands (CBS) and Wageningen Economic Research
Full report
Are you curious about all export and import destinations, values and other details? You can find the report here - The summary is in English, the full report is only available in Dutch.