NL Branding

Dutch logos
Beeld: ©NL Branding

Logo development

From 1st January 2020 the new brand for the Netherlands is in place

Solving global challenges together
Beeld: ©NL Branding


The Netherlands aims to be known for co-creating pioneering solutions to global challenges.

NL Brand
Beeld: ©NL Government

The Netherlands / Kingdon of the Netherlands / Holland

There was a lot of confusion about the official name of our country: is it Holland or is it the Netherlands?

The Netherlands was chosen to give a more complete picture and Holland was dropped. To do this, a work group was set up in 2017 consisting of people from both the private and public sector with the objective of communicating more clearly with a more modern message, which everyone can relate to.

In Ukrainian:

Відтепер країна називається тільки Нідерланди та Королівство Нідерландів, а не Голландія.

Вживаємо також прикметник "нідерландський" для перекладу "Dutch", замість "голландський".

NL logo Embassy Kyiv
NL logo Embassy Kyiv

Brand values

The Netherlands has a reputation for combining inclusive thinking with an open and inventive approach to working. In part this is due to our history: cooperation has deep roots in our culture, due to the constant danger of flooding that this country has always faced. We offer not only expertise but also a wide-ranging perspective that extends across industry sectors. This is why we are international leaders in fields like agriculture, logistics and water management, along with photonics, medical robotics and semi-conductors.

Our outlook can be summarised with three core concepts:

  • openness: we value freedom, transparency and clarity;
  • inventiveness: we always look for innovative and pragmatic solutions;
  • inclusivity: we look for win-win-win solutions and forms of cooperation that transcend sectors and national borders.

Please visit

Agrospring 1
Beeld: #UagroNL

NL Branding in Ukraine

The initiatives supported by the Netherlands, implemented jointly with the Dutch businesses and sectors and aimed at solving global challenges together can use NL visual identity. Please contact us for advice