Nieuws - Kenia
147 nieuwsberichten over Kenia
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Kenia is logistieke hub van heel Oost-Afrika
Kenia heeft de afgelopen jaren fors ingezet op verbetering van de logistiek en infrastructuur. Met succes. De export van ...
Webinars over internationale kansen voor toekomstige voedselsystemen
Bent u geïnteresseerd in de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van de voedseltransitie? Meld u dan aan voor het digitale evenement ...
SDGP selecteert veelbelovende nieuwe projecten
De regeling SDG Partnerschapfaciliteit (SDGP) heeft 5 nieuwe projecten geselecteerd. Al deze projecten zijn gericht op duurzamere ...
Serie radioprogramma's Jungle Talks start 1 oktober met tuinbouw in Kenia
In het voorjaar van 2020 besprak Jungle Talks op Paprika Tasty Radio iedere donderdag met Nederlanders actief in het buitenland ...
Civil Society Organizations in Kenya have provided 75,000 EUR aid to cushion flower workers from COVID-19 effects
Civil Society Organisations under Hivos East Africa’s Women@Work Campaign and the Kenya Flower Council (KFC) dispatched food ...
Doing business in Kenya: updates regarding COVID-19
The outbreak of COVID-19 has consequences for entrepreneurs doing business in or with Kenya. We provide an overview of useful ...
Newsletter Agriculture Kenya 2020 - 02
We are delighted to share our second newsletter on agriculture developments in Kenya. It contains an update on the developments ...
The Pesticide Management Initiative East African Region: Kenya Pesticides management for sustainable agriculture in Kenya
Food producers in Kenya are progressively intensifying their production to meet the domestic and export market demands. Often, ...
Business as usual? How companies in Kenya and Tanzania coped with COVID-19
Although the news around the world was speaking about an economic standstill, agribusinesses also has another story. Business ...
Farewell interview Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to Kenya, Somalia and the Seychelles, H.E. Frans Makken
In 5 years you can harvest maize multiple times but after planting an avocado tree you will need to wait at least another 5 years ...